Extract video from Gliding Through ●▲◆ | Dialogues based on actual quotes from Abigail Chay

“It doesn’t bother me. If it made people laugh, its okay. That the duty of a comedian. Sometimes I’m surprised, after all that’s happened to me, I didn’t end up crazy. Maybe my release is through acting. When you laugh at yourself and with other people, you get cured. Remember. you get cured.” – Abigail Chay,Continue reading “Extract video from Gliding Through ●▲◆ | Dialogues based on actual quotes from Abigail Chay”

Video Documentation of Gliding Through ●▲◆ | Gare Saint Sauveur | Lille, France | 2015 X Part 2

For More Information: http://www.joochoonlin.com/index.php?/veggsplodeegg/-gliding-through—gare-saint-sauveur-/

Video Documentation of Gliding Through ●▲◆ Installation | Gare Saint Sauveur Lille3000 | Lille, France